Am I wasting my time here?
We are about six active here on this wall?
Our politicians of course ignore us as they always have done and always will?
I need contact with the people who represent my interests here in The Urb.
The Mayor must be very tired with his travels between Alicante and San Fulgencio?
Jeff has, obviously, a PP gag over his overactive mouth?
The amimal ambulance is going through a Guiness Book of Records record setting MOT?
Where are the residents with real matters to take up?
"Where are the inhabitants of the Ivory Tower, our so caled politicians? They seem very quiet?

What things would you be intersted in discussing angelique?

I am not interested in politics either and my posts are generally to do with La Marina and asking what is going on or where I can find out relevant information for what I need.

We are involved with S.A.T's, so I post information on that subject too.

Some people are just happy reading what other people write and dont post personally.

But there is no reason to be disrespectful to the postings from other people.

Commented Linda Reed in La Marina 2011-07-03 07:17:33 UTC

You are right Angelique,not enough people are voicing their anger at what this new council have done or will do to the people of la Marina,I am sorry Linda that you have your SATS to worry about,but if we dont all protect La Marina,and stop these part time politicians from destroying it,chances are no one will be here to help you walk the dogs,you dont have to be political to see we residents of La Marina,are in for a hard long slog if we allow these part time politicians to have their way and destroy this community,only when they have succeeded,will they realise that they will have no money to pay their own wages,as only a few people who cant afford to move out of the area will remain,so Linda get political and learn to shout when kicked,you dont have to stand on the roadside waving a banner,just voice your disquiet at being treated with contempt which is clearly what this so called new council will do.
I mat suffer with dodgy bones,but i promise that if you start to shout to protect your rights,i will walk some of SATS dogs,dodgy joints permitting

Commented Alan in La Marina 2011-07-03 08:45:46 UTC

I am sorry that you take limited offence in what I say. I would ask you to remember that I am French and am trying to converse in your language, sometimes things do not sound the way I or you would want them to. I never want to offend anyone!
As it happens I am an animal lover also, I have a puppy which I adopted from K9 so there we have a common interest.

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-07-03 09:07:52 UTC

OK Angeliqe then I am sorry too.

No Alan I will not get involved in politics, because at the end of the day whatever we say or do, they will make the final choices.

We are here as residents on La Marina Urb to enjoy our retirement, walk the dogs, post information and receive information from this forum and chill and relax, what will be will be........

Commented Linda Reed in La Marina 2011-07-03 17:15:17 UTC

well Angelique funny you say you are French and are trying to converse in our Language you dont seem to be doing to bad didnt think KNACKERED was a French word a lot of people are interested in this site but because you do not get all the answers that you want from the politicians why dont you go and ask them yourself and then report back. Dont give people grief if they are interested in trying to help the dog charities or improve there businesses

Commented david in La Marina 2011-07-03 20:20:36 UTC

Oh dear, oh dear!
I do seem to have a habit of ruffling feathers.
Sorry folks absolutely not my intention.

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-07-04 05:09:31 UTC

Well done David. I quite agree with what you have said !

Commented Carol in La Marina 2011-07-04 21:18:29 UTC