"Councillor" Jeff,
How do you create these problems for yourself, do you ever stop to think?
It is not more than 7-8 weeks ago you created a furore here in La Marina when you recruited a Management Team of which all 5 of the new Management Team come from your own totally unsuccessful party in the recent elections.
Any normal person would have stopped for at least a couple of minutes to reflect over the critism you got for that?
It is less than one hour until the opening of this years fiesta and what do we discover?
Only 24 hours since I personally sung the praises of one of many of your assistants, namely Samantha Hull she seems to have brought her prescence to the fore?
Today I find out that Vibe FM, an organisation in which Samanathas long term boyfriend Richie Sparks has a leading role is running our fiesta, facts that cannot have any other effect than problems for yourself?
You have been quick to condem your predecesors for whatever problems they have created and now you must ask yourself how "your public" will receive this information?
I am reliably informed, however, I cannot comment because I do not know the legitimacy of such a claim, that almost all of the artists are contractually attached to this Vibe FM outfit?
Jeff when are you going to put a stop to this? When are you going to act responsibly? When are you going to deliver the promises you made before the election? When is the nepotism going to stop?
You are our elected representative and therefore are totally responsible?

If i remember rightly wasnt Vibe running last years fiesta.
Be fare you cant blame jeff or samantha for that,in fact if the fiesta is successful,perhaps we should praise them for copying last years success.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2011-08-05 22:16:01 UTC

I think you are right Alan as Richie Sparks had an 8pm slot on 6th August 2010. Also Vibe Fm did the San Fulgencio 2010 Fiesta.

Commented Nikki in La Marina 2011-08-06 00:34:17 UTC

You really need to get a life Angelique, how much time do you take doing your research????

The sun is shining, its a beautiful day and the 500 people at the fiesta last night were loving it and having a fantastic time.

Let bygones be bygones and try and move on to tomorrow, or today as it is now, if you were there last night you will have seen the fantastic atmosphere, huge congratulations for the organisation team.

Commented Linda Reed in La Marina 2011-08-06 08:24:26 UTC

As usual Angelique, your facts are twisted, in fact in this case non existant, I attended the fantastic first night of the fiesta and had the pleasure of talking to Samantha Hull and Her Boyfriend for some time and having chattedwith them iIwould like to correct a few errors on your part. Vibe fm were not involved at all with the organising this years fiesta in fact the company who provided the Stage, scenery and acts were a company called Sindi Productions and none of the acts as you say have any contract with Vibe FM,
Richard Sparks spoke to me at length and told me that he had volunteered to host the final night and DJ to help keep the costs down so that more money could be spent on the scenery, There was not one single representative of Vibe FM at the Fiesta as they have had no involvement this year if you care to check out their facebook page it states on there they were not involved. I have to say that i heard not one bad comment about the fiesta and personally had a great time as did everyone there and am looking forward to this evening.
there was so much to see and do and the entertainment for the children and the bouncy castles with the foam in were all provided free of chargeto the children. I would like to offer my congratulations to the whole team who have organised the event in spite of the bitchiness and obstacles placed in their way by narrow minded bigoted people. this event should be there to bring people together, and much to the credit of Samantha and the rest of the team, that is exactly what it did.
I suggest as you are coming close to slandering the good name of certain people that you should "Man Up" and offer a sincere apology as you claim to have known Samantha for some time and surely had you phoned her and asked her about these vicious rumours as your "friend" she would have corrected to you, Is this how you speak about your friends?

Commented Richie in La Marina 2011-08-06 08:56:13 UTC

I could not have said it better curious..I just like yourself spoke to Sam and her partner last night and was told exactly what you have stated in your comment. I think Angelique made a fool of her/his or whoever they are.

Commented Andi in La Marina 2011-08-06 09:05:35 UTC

Please note; You are again misinformed. The SINDI group from Elche has the leading role in running the Fiesta. I am sure that if Vibe FM were so heavily involved would they not have had an outside broadcast unit or at least be mentioned in the posters and advertising. As they were not, deduce from that if you will, Vibe Fm is NOT running this Fiesta.

Commented Jeff Wiszniewski in La Marina 2011-08-06 13:22:57 UTC

Why dont you people get a life. Life is too short to be arguing with each other. Does it really matter about Vibe, whoever was there, well done to you all. A great job done by all, a lot better than in previous years.

Commented Pauline in La Marina 2011-08-06 13:31:22 UTC

Dont tell me you are lost for words,The sweeping statement you made last night appears to be one of your many mistakes,I still dont see a word of apology to those that you appear to have maligned.
It is a shame because some times you do have something sensible to say,but all to often you ridicule yourself,by trying to ridicule others,You do yourself no favours,by ignoring the vast majority on here who are obviously getting fed up with your attitude,why not own up and admit that you was wrong,It may even make you a better person

Commented Alan in La Marina 2011-08-06 15:44:37 UTC

Jeff and Sam!
It would seem that I have been missinformed concerning the people you have chosen to run this fiesta.
I apologise for my remarks and take them back.
Please accept my unconditional apology.

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-08-06 19:56:44 UTC

To Angelique; Thank you for your apology, and of course it is accepted unconditionally. Despite our human frailties I am sure everyone on this forum has a worthwhile contribution to make, for a better life for La Marina

Commented Jeff Wiszniewski in La Marina 2011-08-07 17:08:02 UTC

Jeff and Sam, Thank you for accepting my aplogy!
I hope Jeff that you have read my comments concerning your being a victim of your own enthusiasm?
I know that you mean well but we must see it in practice!

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-08-07 19:28:05 UTC